All you Need to Know about BHRT

Have you ever thought of opting for anti aging treatments? Are you scared it would not work for you? Do you believe in all those myths related to such treatments that leave you unsure about whether or not you should go for them?
We completely understand your fears. It is not easy to opt for something that can change your skin for either good or something terrible. After all, your face is the first thing that everybody notices and you don’t want to do something that can worsen it, just by luring you to make it perfect.
When you look for Clinique Anti Aging for women’s health is the prime factor for such names. They ensure to give you some of the best treatments so that you can reverse age and look prettier than ever before. Maturity should always take place in the mind, not in your skin.
Moreover, if you are in a profession that requires you to look young, you have to be dependent on anti aging creams, gels and even treatments, if needed. This is why you must learn about BHRT, which is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy.
What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?
It is one of the most important things in the anti aging medicine and treatment. Since hormones regulate our body, they need to be brought to balance when they are not in tune. There are various reasons that lead to unbalanced hormones, but one of the most common one is pregnancy. Yes, we are giving you another reason to love and respect your mother all the very more, no matter what. However, let us stick to anti aging treatments here.
What are the symptoms of an imbalance in hormones?
Even though there are various symptoms and signs that prove that your body is going through a major imbalance in hormones, the major ones are:
- Terrible pain before menstruation, or PMS (pre-menstrual symptoms)
- Mood swings that are not only noticed by others, but genuinely felt by you
- A sudden drop or decrease in levels of energy
- Loss of sleep or severe insomnia
- Thinning or loss of hair and glow of the skin
During a hormone therapy, nothing happens overnight, if that’s what you are expecting. It is a slow and gradual process that helps you fight not only your age, but a lot of other symptoms that are deteriorating the quality of your life and lifestyle.